
"The height of cultivation always runs to Simplicity" ~ Bruce Lee



I'd just like to wish everyone a happy new year. 2011 is an opportunity for a fresh start. Actually, every day is an opportunity but more people are willing to act on New Years because a lot of people set resolutions. I'm pretty good about keeping most of mine, but I always have a few that get thrown out after the first week or two.
I think there are a couple of reasons why that happens. First, setting too many resolutions increases the likelihood that some will be forgotten. This year I have 7. Second, resolutions set without first considering what you really value are bound to be forgotten because they don't come from your heart. And lastly, once you set them you need a plan to keep them. Yes, an actual written action plan! Nothing elaborate, but by writing down specific times for action helps develop the words into reality.
This year I've set one actionable resolution for each of my 6 major values (remember THE FAM from my first post?) plus, one additional general resolution that applies to all 6. Next, I've redesigned my schedule so that I'm acting daily, weekly, or Monthly on each one.
If you have major changes I suggest not starting everything at once. Stagger the dates you plan to implement each goal so that you're not overwhelmed. Write those dates in your calendar! A few minutes of reflection and planning will turn dreams into reality and make keeping resolutions a simple affair. Cheers!

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