
"The height of cultivation always runs to Simplicity" ~ Bruce Lee


Simple Values

Recently I have rediscovered a truth I've known for many years, but have lost somehow over the last few: Simplicity is a direct path to happiness. When I look back on those times in my life when I was most content it was actually when I had much less than I do now. It's very easy to let your life get out of control and end up with a bunch of stuff cluttering up your clarity. Every once in a while you just have to take a step back and evaluate your values, then eliminate everything that doesn't support those things.
I gave it a lot of thought and determined that everything I value can be put into one of the following areas: Travel, Health, Education, Family/Friends, Art, & Music. I thought about adding Spirituality, but I decided that it's already included in all of my other categories so for the sake of simplicity I just left it at the six, which I can easily remember using the acronym THE FAM. Now when I'm faced with a decision I just ask myself, "Will this support the things I value or just divert my attention away from them?". Simple.
I would recommend this exercise for everyone. The new year is a good time to do it too since many people make resolutions this time of year. Let your values guide your resolutions, and increase your focus for successfully keeping them by clearing away physical and mental clutter. You'll thank yourself when you return to simplicity

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