
"The height of cultivation always runs to Simplicity" ~ Bruce Lee


What 3-5 dream jobs or businesses can you imagine that would firmly embody your core beliefs about the world?

Take an art gallery, a tattoo studio, a spiritual retreat, a spa, and a community center. Combine them into one cohesive business. That's what I want to start!

What careers do you find yourself dreaming of? What jobs do others have that you wish were yours?

International artist/tattoo artist. But the career I imagine is bigger than that. I want to start an art gallery/tattoo studio/spiritual center type of thing.

If you could write a book to help the world, what would the title be? Whast would it be about?

I've actually thought about this one. The title would be "The Life You Create for Yourself is Your Masterpiece" It would be about lifestyle design and the fact that the greatest creative feat anyone can accomplish is the design of their own life. In a very holistic way, that's really every individual's end product.

Think back to when you were 5-10 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? What skills and metaphors do these represent?

Well, my earliest memory was wanting to be a garbage man. I really just wanted to ride on the back of the truck like they used to do. I guess that alludes to fun. I wanted my job to be fun! Then, later I wanted to be a martial artist (a ninja, specifically). Not sure what that means. I guess I wanted adventure. That always seemed exotic and cool to me. Does that mean I want an exotic, fun, adventurous career?....Probably.

If you had a free hour to surf the internet, what would you explore?

art, tattooing, or eastern philosophy (more than likely), maybe some trumpet stuff too!

What are you naturally curious about?

I love delving into the nature of the universe, spirituality, and how the two connect. Also, Beauty and attraction. Those have always fascinated me!

What do your friends always tell you you'd be good at?

Mostly art.

What do you want to be remembered for? What dent do you want to have put in this world?

I'd like to be remembered as someone who lived authentically. I'd like to be the guy that at least one person remembers as the one who changed their life in a positive way! In addition to that, it'd be great if my art survived after my death. Hopefully, someone can gain some benefits from some of it.

If you were able to be a member of the audience at your own funeral, what would you want to hear people say?

"He was a great role model." "He was such a great father." "He inspired me to..." "He never wasted a day of his life." "I wish I could have one more day with him." "The times I had with him were some of the best in my life." "He taught me so much about living happily."

Out of all your current work roles, what would you gladly do for free?

Probably tattooing.

If you trusted that your art (your creativity) would support your life, how would you live?

I would just travel the world and make art. I'd probably do tattoo conventions and guest spots all over the world. I'd have a minimalist home-base in the U.S., and maybe even own a tattoo/art studio for steady income, but would spend most of my time traveling and creating.

When was the last time you couldn't sleep because you were so excited about what you had to work on? What was it?

Well, I can't remember the last time, but it was most certainly some art project (always is)! When I get a creative vision in my head I just have to get it out ASAP. It's usually an idea for a series or some new technique I want to try.

What's your favorite section in the bookstore? What's the first magazine you'd pick up at the grocery store?

I'm always drawn to the self-help books (and non-fiction, in general). Eastern philosophy and art run a close second! As for magazines, mostly I buy tattoo magazines these days.

What do you love helping people with? How do you most commonly help others?

I love helping people be all they wanna be. I commonly help people to shift their paradigms about life. I try to inspire others through example. I typically bring to light alternative viewpoints.

What are you most afraid of for the next generation?

I feel like people are just not reaching their highest potential. In fact, most aren't even coming close. My greatest fear is just that they are going to be so lazy and apathetic that they will regress much of the progress we have made thus far. We have so much information access, but I fear that the next generation won't know what to do with it all. I also fear what smartphones are doing to the minds of the next generation. From what I see, it's not good. I think we are letting technology take over our own autonomy. We have raised a mostly narcissistic and shallow generation who expect instant gratification. It seems like no one is willing to work hard for quality anymore. Technology has passed the point of diminishing returns. If the next generation isn't proactive against that, they will truly suffer, whether they know it or not!

What makes you most angry about the state of the world? With unlimited rersources, how could you fix it?

People who are narrow-minded make me the most angry. People who believe that their way is the only way. That sort of aggressive attitude is what creates discord, and ultimately wars and conflict. I believe we can disagree as individuals or groups and still be friends. When people try to shove their own beliefs down my throat I tend to resent that. I wish we could all have respect for one another and act responsibly in this world! I don't know that I could fix this. It has been that way throughout all of history. But I can try to live as an example. And that's what I try to do.

What topics do you find yourself continuously arguing or defending with others? What beliefs does your stance represent?

I'm very passionate about the topic of God, Divinity, Ultimate Reality, whatever you wish to call it. Spirituality in general is something I have passionate feelings about. As somewhat of a rarity (at least where I live), I find myself debating with others on spiritual matters. My beliefs are monistic, while most of the people I know hold strongly to dualistic viewpoints.

If you could have or do anything, what would it be?

That's a big question, but I think I would most like to travel the world and make art. Just those two things. I want to travel both to learn and experience all I can, but also to share what I have to offer (my art) to as many people as possible.

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

I would use my art in some way to bring the world together. I believe in the power of art to transform lives! I love art and one of my greatest desires is world unity. I think art can speak beyond languages and across cultures. I don't know what form that might take, but I would love for that to happen.

Imagine you won $158 million, it's now 3 months later. How will you spend tomorrow?

Since it has already been 3 months I have probably already given half of it to my closest friends and family. I have also already invested a good portion into a money machine (see, I learned that from Tony Robbins). So, tomorrow I would be booking a long trip around the world. It'll be the beginning of at least a year of world travel. And I'll probably buy a pretty nice boat as well!

When was the last time you were in a state of flow? What were you doing?

I guess the last time was when I was tattooing my leg. I was really in the zone. I tattooed it for 2 Saturdays, almost all day each Saturday.

When was the last time you massively over-delivered on something? What was it? And why did you work so damn hard?

A couple of years ago I was asked to donate a few pieces of art to an auction benefiting families of individuals who had a neural disease, which made it impossible for them to smile. I felt very moved by the idea that I could help someone smile again. I ended up donating almost all of my work in my studio because I really felt that not being able to smile may be one of the worst things a person can suffer from. If my work was able to help provide the funds for the procedure which would allow someone to smile, I thought that very worth my while. Although I didn't work very hard at that specific time, the work I donated involved hundreds of hours worth of artwork that I had done in the past. I try to put myself into those situations. If I or my child couldn't smile, I would be so appreciative of anyone who would contribute to changing that.

Who do you look up to? Who are your mentors? And why?

I have 4 people whom I consider to be my main mentors. I look up to these guys, and have learned a tremendous amount from each of them even though I've never met any of them in person (yet). They are: Deepak Chopra- for his spiritual guidance and knowledge Tony Robbins- for his inspiring work on helping individuals reach their highest potential as human beings. Tim Ferriss- for his work and advice on designing your own life and really digging deep. Always living life as an experiment. Leo Baubata- for his work and advice on living a minimalist lifestyle.

What are you ridiculously good at? What are your precious gifts?

I don't know that I'm ridiculously good at anything, but one thing I do very well is draw and paint. I would say I'm above average in both of those areas. I also know a lot about Eastern philosophy, but I'm not sure if that qualifies as anything. But I have been drawing and painting nearly my entire life. During that time, I have acquired a good amount of skill.

What do people thank you for?

This is a tough question. Not that people don't thank me, it's just a wide variety of things. I guess if I were to narrow it down a bit, many people thank me for my artistic contributions. I do a lot of favors for people, and many times it involves my art skills. They also thank me for my patience quite often.

What do you do that makes you feel invincible?

I think meditation brings me closest to this feeling. When I meditate, it really puts things into perspective. I remember that there really isn't a such thing as defeat. So, in this way, I feel invincible. When I meditate, I slow down enough to get beyond duality and labels. I remind myself that I create my own life, for better or worse. And once I remember that, it gives me a great sense of control. I may not control everything that happens to me, but I certainly control how I react and the choices I make each day. That's a very liberating feeling, which has a tendency to make one feel invincible!

Missed my Prompts, but here are some more......

What makes you happiest in your life? What excites you? Obviously, having my family around me makes me happy, and the fact that we're all together and healthy and smiling, that all makes me tremendously happy! But I think the question is referring more to my activities and such. As far as that goes, I think I'm happiest when I'm creating art. I get particularly excited when I first begin a new piece or series. At that time, everything is possible! I have ideas in my head, and I can't wait to see how they manifest through my work. This is most true when I am just doing the artwork for myself. Commissions don't usually carry that same feeling. They're more like a job. But engaging in the creative process really drives me!


Writing Challenge Prompt #2: What really makes you angry about the world?

When I think about the things that anger me in this world they can usually be distilled into one of two areas; people who disrespect others and/or people who don't take responsibility for their own actions. Both of these things are extremely selfish. Let's face it, we live in a world with other people. The world doesn't revolve around anyone. No one owes you anything. This is all big news to some people. It can manifest in several ways; leaving your mess for someone else to pick up, treating others as if they are your servants, always taking and never giving, lying, being late for appointments, blaming others for your own shortcomings, always insisting on your way or no way, etc... I guess this bothers me so much because I always go out of my way to be respectful and responsible. And when I see those who couldn't care less I sense something lacking in those people. And I think, sometimes, why should I care if they don't care? Shouldn't I just be selfish too? But then I realize that if ALL of us were that way, the human race would become extinct within a very short time. Luckily, there are plenty of good people in the world to balance out the lazy and inconsiderate ones. I tend to have lots of patience. But a side effect of that is that when I am eventually pushed past my limit my anger is fierce. Sometimes I let it explode, but more often I silently vow to cut those people out of my life forever! And I rarely return to those relationships. And I never seek revenge, but I usually withhold any help I could offer as well. I don't need that negativity in my life. So I cut it out completely. I believe in Karma. I don't need revenge on those people. They build their own revenge in time. If I could share one piece of advice with all of humanity it would be "Always act respectfully and responsibly!"


Blog Revival/Life Revival...

I started this blog a couple of years ago. In fact, I started several blogs back then. Then, I really just got too much going on in my life and had to abandon most of them. Yesterday I got an email from Live Your Legend. It was an invitation to embark upon a writing challenge. Also, as if by fate, the day before that I received some small royalties from a blog I set up 3 years ago. I haven't even thought about that blog in 3 years. It was just a fun one for me, but it has out-performed all of my other blogs by leaps and bounds as far as viewership. It's a blog about Bob Marley. You never know what sort of thing people will be interested in. So, I decided it was time to revive this blog. This is really my favorite because it just really gets to the essence of everything I'm about. And it is also the one where I feel I can really help others through my posts. So, in this writing challenge I am given some daily prompts for 7 days. The first one is "Tell your story..." So here goes (I'll keep it brief): Right now I am a high school art teacher during the week and a tattoo apprentice and trumpet teacher on the weekends. I know, sort of an odd combo, but it's what I love doing. And I am of the belief, If you love doing something, there's no better thing to do than those things! Right? And if you fall out of love with something (it happens), then stop doing it so you can refocus your energy. And that's why I am transitioning out of education and trying to find my way tattooing. I think we all have something to contribute to the world. And most people have several things they can contribute. Through a lot of reflection and experience, I have found my passion(s) to be in art (and music). I love creating! And because I love doing it, I do it a lot. And because I do it a lot, Ive gotten very good at both art and music! And because I've been doing both for about 30 years each, I've realized that I never run out of room to grow. And that keeps my ego in check! Always learning, always doing, and always inspired by those who do it better. I think a small portion of me decided it was time to stop teaching after realizing that practically none of my students has a passion as intense as I do about art! And that's ok, but it creates a disconnect between us. It's just been a journey of learning who I am. I don't want a disconnect. And through my own artwork, I can communicate directly with people! And that just feels better to me. And it just supports the fact that maybe I just need to be an artist and leave the teaching of it to others better suited for that endeavor. I've had to give myself permission to change. I spent 8 years working part time and going to college just so I could become a teacher. Back then it's exactly what I wanted. So, I'm happy I was able to make that happen. But now I have been doing it for about 12 years and am feeling a calling from other areas of life. And I have accepted that this wasn't a waste of my time. It was a great experience for that time in my life! I carry many memories and lessons with me, and I always will. But if you've ever had your heart set on something, you know how strong those urges can be! I've always been one to reach the goals which I set. Which is great, but it makes me really evaluate if I have set the right goals. I know I will do whatever it takes to reach them, so I want to be sure I am pursuing something worthwhile. And that's where I stand right now. I'm "lining up the stars" to take the next phase of life's journey. It's exciting, and scary, and it makes me feel alive! I encourage everyone reading this (all 2-3 of you who accidentally stumbled here searching for something else)to go forth and do the same. Find your true calling. And most importantly, realize that life is ever-changing, so it's ok if it changes a few times! Stay true to your heart and be Happy!
